Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi launched "Beti bachao, beti padhao" (BBBP) Yojana in January 2015. Coming out in full support of prime minister’s initiative, Neumorgen Pharmaceuticals contributed to this splendid campaign by conducting engagement sessions and programs. In this program we organize an event in the community ‘Celebrating the birth of the Girl Child’. we have been welcoming the new born girls and their mothers with their families and honored them. Neumorgen Pharmaceuticals honor these children and families. Rallies and nukkad natak were organized and parents were honored with a card and a box of sweets. Celebrating the birth of daughters brings in a new tradition with a clear message to the society to value the girl child.
These activities included: essay writing, slogan writing and drawing competitions which encouraged students to think of innovative methods to put across the message of saving, nurturing and educating the girl child.
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